Aubrianne and Rusty worked as models for their neighbors - who are starting their own photography business. Check out the great pics at the web address below! Aren't they just the cutest couple???

Chicago 08

My Birthday and Chicago

Ok, so I celebrated my 47th birthday with my girls and son-in-law last night and we had a great time. We talked about blogs and I decided that this would be a good way to update family and friends. I travel lots for work and don't keep in touch the way I should. I am also really lame at keeping up with a journal, so I hope that this will inspire me to do better. I treated myself to an all about me day complete with a massage, pedicure and shopping trip.

I had an interesting time this past week in Chicago. At a conference for work I was able to connect with many old friends and make some new ones! Chicago was cold and windy - but, a great city.