Elle Gets Sick~~~~ February 1, 2012

Elle has been a remarkable healthy girl.  No ear infections...hardly a sniffle. So, when she started coughing the last couple of days in January it was unusual but we figured it was a cold.  Then suddenly the cough turned deep and wheezy.  Aubrianne took her to the doctor and found out she had RSV.  

 She was quite the little trouper and didn't complain about the breathing treatments.  Especially if she got to read a 'Fancy Nancy' book...  :)

The Superbowl - Indianapolis- February 2012

 Court works for National Satellite Company ---
part of Direct TV.  
His franchise is one of the top in the nation...
this was the invitation to go!  
Here are two views of Indy from the Marriott.
The boys were able to spend some time together.
Here they are getting ready to watch the game!

January - the kids at "'home"

Back in Indy
A night out with lots of high school alumni friends.  


Court went back to beautiful Long Beach and back to work for National Satellite.
 Here is a view from near his condo---the Queen Mary and a Cruise ship add to the lovely view.
 This is a west coast sunset as seen from Court's back patio....LUCKY!

Kate resumed life working for AMP Security.
 Kate and long time buddy Mason have an evening at the skating rink!!
 At a UVU dance...you know to work and recruit employees (isn't she dedicated?)
 Never one to let a chance to miss another 'work' opportunity-
-Kait takes one for the team and goes to rival
Pinnacle to attend a party!

The Bishop Kids
My buddy Rhett--loves to play ball...(Elle loves to pose in the background)
 My poor princess had a one day mystery fever...she slept a lot.  
 All better on a warm January day, headed to the park on her bike.
 Did I mention that Rhett loves to play ball?
He also LOVES to eat spaghetti!

The Zoo - Elle and the Baby Chimp

Elle and the Baby Chimp
As we were watching a mom and baby chimp playing on the rocks in the outdoor natural area...the momma looked down at us, apparently saw Elle standing at the window and put the baby and her back and brought it down to us. The baby chimp and Elle started to interact. Elle and the baby went hand to hand on the window and then the baby kissed the window where Elle had rested her head. It was adorable and amazing to watch. As others started to notice and ran to start taking pictures at the window, the mom promptly put the baby back on her back and left. We all felt pretty lucky and connected!

January 2 -The Zoo

We're goin' to the zoo, zoo, zoo.....how about you, you, you?

January 2012 Happy New Year

I was lucky enough to ring in the New Year with these great girls. Liz (in back wearing blue) a friend since 1964...and Dorothy (in green) and Libby (the other red head) friends since '76 in GHS Band. We had a great game night and toasted our sparkling apple juice (yep...we're dangerous like that) and hugged in 2012. Pretty awesome!!!

Beautiful Kaitlyn gets ready to hit the town with friends in Provo to ring in the New Year...

Looks like they managed to have some fun!

December 27, 2011

Just before Kaitlyn headed back to Utah...we had to go to our favorite car hop joint
...the famous Keller's Hamburgers.

ABOUT 2011

I didn't blog for all of 2011. As I look back now, I can see that so much happened that year I was completely overwhelmed.

I lost my job as a trainer in February because the grant ended. I found another job with the state that left me very underemployed. It was also a heartbreaking job that involved talking to many broken foster children. I was not happy in the job -but lucky enough to have good co-workers. To keep the story short and maintain confidentiality...I will just say that when I was fired on December 15th....I was devastated.

I now see that it was the best thing that could have happened to me! I have been very blessed with support from family and friends with prayers, meals and calling to check on me.

In August, my car was stolen but again through the miracle of prayer and a brave witness coming forward, my car was recovered the same weekend.

In September, Kaitlyn moved to Utah. I know this is the best thing for her...but letting the last one go is a big thing for the momma!

At this point, I am working to get my social work license. I had not needed it in the past...but, seeing the job market I realize it is imperative that get the license.

I am awaiting the paperwork from the state to take my test. They have everything needed to approve me...just waiting the 3-4 weeks for approval. I have the financial support from a dear family member for all of the fees to apply and test. A close friend also helped to finance a study course at UT Arlington.

I am richly blessed....with more than I deserve. I have the gift of a loving Heavenly Father who knows my needs and sends many angels into my life.

2011 was filled with many blessing and joyful moments...so I wanted to share them with you. If the climb seems too hard...call me. I've been in my own dark places and see the hope and joy ahead. Keep me in your prayers!

Next step....to take and pass the LMSW...get my dream job....and make 2012 a great year!

Much Love to all who read this-----MARIANNE